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作者:    人气:3929    时间:2013-6-5 9:24:10


  中山大学眼科中心、 新西兰奥克兰大学、香港理工大学、加拿大麦吉尔大学等多家单位的联合研究人员使用流行的益智游戏“俄罗斯方块”治疗成人弱视,这项研究提供了直接证据:迫使双眼合作,可减轻对于弱视眼的抑制,增强大脑的可塑性,并且让大脑重新学习。研究结果发表在“Current Biology”杂志。


  “改善成人视力的关键在于为双眼提供合作的条件。”麦吉尔大学眼科研究所主任Robert Hess说。“成人的大脑具有相当程度的可塑性,这使得童年时视觉发育中断造成的后果有了治疗的可能。迫使眼睛共同努力,我们相信,将会改善弱视。”




  编译自:McGill University Health Centre (2013, April 22). Lazy eye disorder treated with video game Tetris. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 23, 2013,

  Dichoptic training enables the adult amblyopic brain to learn


  Adults with amblyopia, a common visual cortex disorder caused primarily by binocular disruption during an early critical period, do not respond to conventional therapy involving occlusion of one eye . But it is now clear that the adult human visual cortex has a significant degree of plasticity , suggesting that something must be actively preventing the adult brain from learning to see through the amblyopic eye. One possibility is an inhibitory signal from the contralateral eye that suppresses cortical inputs from the amblyopic eye . Such a gating mechanism could explain the apparent lack of plasticity within the adult amblyopic visual cortex. Here we provide direct evidence that alleviating suppression of the amblyopic eye through dichoptic stimulus presentation induces greater levels of plasticity than forced use of the amblyopic eye alone. This indicates that suppression is a key gating mechanism that prevents the amblyopic brain from learning to see.




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